
1982-85 (Colored Vinyl)
After Dinner

After Dinner
Price €25.00
Genre: Minimalism - Experimental
Code: SV28C
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After Dinner from Japan, embraced new wave, traditional Japanese music, free contemporary and avant-garde rock. Founded under hand of delicious female vocalist, musician and composer Haco in 1981, broaching a very interesting collective cohesion; their background, though however various, brought them together during times of recording and live performance.
1982-85 includes all their first production; the complete 1st album “Glass Tube", 2 tracks from the 1st 7” single and a bonus track track from a 1985’s compilation on Celluloid.
Includes 24-pages booklet

Side A: 1. After Dinner 2. Sepia-ture I - 3. An Accelerating Etude 4. Sonya-doll 5. Shovel & Little Lady
Side B: 1. Cymbals at Dawn 2. Glass Tube 3. Désert 4. Sepia-ture II 5. Silence 6. The Room of Hair-mobile [bonus track]

“A founding member of the legendary band After Dinner, Haco is one of the most versatile vocalists in the Japanese indies scene.” (John Zorn)
伝説的なバンドAfter Dinnerの創設者、Hacoは日本のインディーズ・シーンの中で最も多才なヴォーカリストの一人。 (John Zorn)

"Haco is capable of gallons of tenderness and melancholy." (Kurt Gottschalk)
Hacoには相当な優しさとメランコリーを持ち合わせた器がある。 (Kurt Gottschalk)

"Listening to After Dinner is like submerging yourself in water and going to sleep while playing Kate Bush on one CD player and traditional Japanese music on another." (Julian Cope presents Head Heritage)

アフター・ディナーの音楽を聴くのは、あたかも自身が水のなかに沈みながら、ケイト・ブッシュをひとつのCDプレイヤー、日本の伝統音楽をもうひとつのCDプレイヤーでかけながら眠りにつくようなもの。 (Julian Cope)

"Haco has a soft, airy voice and her lyrics (sung in both English and Japanese) are inflected with an intelligent sense of whimsy as she sings of the dreamier aspects of modern life." (Brian Olewnick)

Hacoは柔らかい空気のような声をしていて、彼女の歌詞 (英語と日本語の両方で歌われた) は、モダンライフの夢見がちな側面が奇抜な知的センスからひねり出されている。(Brian Olewnick)

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