
Electronic Modular Orchestra

Orchestra Modulare Elettronica
Price €22.00
Genre: Minimalism - Experimental
Code: SV13/14
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Format: limited edition 2LP
Catalogue: SOAVE SV13/14
Barcode: 8055323521031

Side A: 1. PRIMO MOV 06:08 2. SECONDO MOV 13:36
Side B: 1. TERZO MOV 10:30 2. QUARTO MOV 06:14
Side C: 1. QUINTO MOV 04:36 2. SESTO MOV 06:28 3. SETTIMO MOV 03:10

Electronic Modular Orchestra: da Neil Young a Stravinskij
E' la curiosità l'elemento che ha permesso la nascita di questo progetto. Gabriele Bombardini, Nicola Peruch, Matteo Scaioli e Max Vicinelli sono musicisti che vantano esperienze decennali in tutti i campi della musica. La volontà di coniugare sonorità apparentemente distanti come l'uso di vecchi sintetizzatori analogici, una pedal steel che richiama la tradizione folk americana e la sintesi modulare che riconduce alla ricerca musicale cosiddetta concreta, è stata la sfida da affrontare.
La libertà espressiva, le citazioni contemporanee, l'improvvisazione, Stravinskij, Bartok, Reich, il rock psichedelico, il jazz, tutto ciò che è emozione musicale viene preso come stimolo per questa ricerca. Il viaggio sonoro e l'equilibrio tra i generi sono il tratto essenziale di questa proposta; tanto che la musica visionaria che è nata da questo incontro bene si sposa con le collaborazioni visual avute con David Loom e Serena Zaniboni.

Electronic Modular Orchestra: from Neil Young to Stravinsky
The curiosity is the element that allowed the birth of this project. Gabriele Bombardini, Nicola Peruch, Matteo Scaioli and Max Vicinelli are musicians who have decades of experience in all fields of music. The desire to combine seemingly distant sounds such as the use of old analog synthesizers, a pedal steel that recalls the American folk tradition and the modular synthesis that leads back to the so-called concrete musical research, was the challenge to face.
Freedom of expression, contemporary quotations, improvisation, Stravinsky, Bartok, Reich, psychedelic rock, jazz, all that is musical emotion is taken as a stimulus for this research. The sound journey and the balance between the genres are the essential trait of this proposal.

Sound is made from the same matter of dreams that, as the sun rises, evaporate and leave a feeling of uncertainty. Just as when in proximity of a secret that will not be completely solved and won’t allow you to retrace the succession of emotions that brought you to it.
Instead we must learn to hold on to them, cultivate them, be able to understand and recognize them. To trust them.
Sound, its colour, the essence of its tone, the vibrations that it leaves in the air. None of these can be described in words: the necessity to physically listen is ineffable. We can write a melody, a rhythm, a harmonically complex structure, an arrangement… But never the colour and taste of sound.
In Electronic Modular Orchestra’s music you will find certain harmonies, melodies, rhythms, sounds and layerings of every kind. All of these spring from the sound that gives it life and most profound meaning. It is for this reason that listening to this work requires an intimate complicity from the listener to be able to appreciate the essence of the tale that the artists wished to create. Perceiving the “voice” even before form and other structural and musical elements that we are accustomed to recognize.
There is no use to dwell on single tracks. Everyone will find his own personal vision and the road to their own emotions.
The influences of this music are numerous: precise and restless geometries, celestial shades, the metaphysical, chaos, energetic sounds, cutting sounds, unpredictability and scrape.
Listen to this disk on a good sound system, so not to frustrate the musician’s intent. Take the necessary time to listen, and re-listen. Don’t keep this music as background noise. Gift yourself a moment for yourselves and grant yourselves that marvelous life experience that is listening to music. (Franco Ranieri)

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